그 리 고....♡/언 어 와 문 장

[스크랩] 영어 면접시 질문유형 - 외우고 또 외우자

moon향 2013. 3. 29. 09:00




   다시 말씀해 주시겠어요?



I am sorry, I couldn't follow you.


I am afraid I didn't understand your question.


Would you mind saying it agin, sir?


I'm sorry I couldn't catch what you said


Would you say that again. sir?


Beg your pardon, sir.






   인적 사항





May I have your name, please?


Where were you born?


Where is your family from?


What is your present address?


How many are there in your family?


Please tell me about your family.


Tell me a little bit about yourself,please.


What school did you graduate from?


Would you briefly introduce yourself please?


How long does it take to arrive at this office form your home?





Why did you major in Korea literature and language?



When you were a student, was there anything you got really seriously involved in?



Were you involved in any club activities at you university?




   취미 기호


What's your hobby?


What kind of hobbies do you have?


What's your favorite sports?


How do you spend your free time?


Do you smoke or drink?


What kind of books do you like?


How do you spend your leisure time?


What type of books have you read recently?





Do you have any special skills?



Do you have any licenses or other special qualifications?



Can you use computer?





   경   력



What first got you interested in this sort of work?




Do you have any particular conditions that you would like the company to take in to consideration?


What did you like least about your last position?


What did you enjoy most about your last job?


What do you work in your company?


What did you have project in your company?


What did you learn in your last position?


What do you consider your outstanding achievements?


Do you have management ability? Describe.


In what ways are your qualifications unique or distinctive?


Why should we hire you, what is unique about you? Why do you feel you can be successful in this position?


How has your personal background (upbringing, schooling) influenced what you are today, your career progression, your management/people style?


Don't you feel overqualified for this job?


What experience do you have in this field?


What did you learn(or gain) from your past work experiences?


In what type of position are you most interested?


What interests you most about this position?


Had you thought of leaving your present position before? If yes, what do you  think held you there?


What skills do you want to learn or improve?


Why do you think you would enjoy this kind of work?


As you view your overall qualifications of this position, what do you see as some of your development needs?





What made you choose this institute ?


What was is that made you decide to choose this institute?


What made you pick this institute?


How did you hear about the job?


Why are you interested in this institute?


Why do you want to join to our company?


Why do you want to leave your present job?


Why do you want to change your company?





Please tell me of your information about our institute.


What's your general impression of our company?


Could you tell me any negative thing you're heard about our company?


Tell me what you know about our company.


What do you know about my institute?






   선호하는 업무유형


What type of work do you find most stimulating and rewarding? Why?


How would you describe the type of work do you like to do?


How would you categorize the kind of work you least like doing?


How would you describe the "ideal job" from a work content standpoint?


Can you tell me about a project that really got you excited(proud)


What are the most important characteristics you are looking for in a job and why?



   영어 사용능력


Can you make yourself understand in English without too much difficulty?



What have you done to improve your English skill?



How do you compare your spoken English with your written English?



Can you communicate in English?



   직 업 관



Tell me what you think a job is.



What do you feel is essential to having a successful business environment?



In your judgement, what factors account for most business failures?



What do you believe are universal characteristics of successful organizations?



Describe the planning and decision-making processes important to successful business operations.



What success do you expect as a professional woman?



How do you feel about independence?



Tell me about your career goals.



Where do you expect to be ten or twenty years from now on



Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” (What are your goals, where would you like to be in five years?)



What are you long term career objectives?



What is your definition of success?



What are your sort term career goals?



How do you define success? How "successful" have you been?



How hard do you work to achieve your objectives?



What do you consider most valuable: a high salary, or job recognition and advancement?



How would you describe your over all business philosophy?



   포   부


What goals have you set for yourself in life?



Be what standards do you measure your personal success?



What plans do you have for self-improvement and personal development?



   장   점


What do you consider to be some of your most outstanding qualities?



What do you consider to be your strong points?



What is your greatest strength or asset?



In what areas have others been particularly complimentary about your abilities? Why?



From a performance standpoint, what do you consider your major attributes?



Describe your three greatest strengths and tell me how you used them to bring about improvements in your job.



What would your current boss describe as your three greatest assets? Why?



   단   점


From a work standpoint, what has been your biggest shortcoming? Why?.



What aspect of your overall capabilities would you most like to improve?



What do you consider your weakness?



   특성과 개성


How would you describe yourself?



What words best describe your personal style?



Which of your personal traits and characteristics do you feel have most hindered your career progress?



In your most intimate conversations with family or close friends, what have people said they most like about you?



Of which of your personal traits and characteristics are you most proud, and why?



What kind of personality do you think you have?



Would you describe as outgoing or more reserved?



What would you say are some of your faults and strong points



How can you say about your character?



   인 간 관 계


With what kind of people do you most enjoy working?



What kind of person would you like to work in your project? Why?



With what kind of people do you have difficulty working? Why



Describe your relationship with your past boss.
a. In what area did you agree?
b. In what area did you disagree? Why?



What factor most influenced your positive feeling?



Tell me about a time when you had a major conflict with another employee.
a. What was the cause of the conflict?
b. What things did you do to alleviate the problem?
c. What were the results?



What aspects of your interpersonal skills would you most like to improve? Why?



If you sense you are not fitting in well with a group and feel that you are being treated as an outsider, what would you do?



How good are you in motivating people?



How do you get along with your co-workers?



What if you run into conflict with your co-worker?



How did you get along with your boss on your last job.



How did you get along with the staff in your last job? 



   창 의 력


Give me an example of something very creative that you did. Why was it creative?



   모 험 심


What was the biggist business risk you have ever taken?
a. Why was it risky?
b. What prompted you to take the risk?
c. What was the outcome?



   분 석 력


Describe how your would approach the following complex problem.



   판 단 력


What examples can you cite of your ability to apply prudent judgement in a delicate situation?
a. Why was the situation delicate?
b. Why did you do it?
c. What was the outcome?



   협 동 력 


What has been your experience in working as part of a team?



What do you see as being the advantages and disadvantages of working as part of a team



   계 획 력


Describe your planning process.
a. How often do you do planning?
b. What are the steps in your planning process?
c. How important is planning to organizational success?





Give me an example of complex communications problem that you faced.
a. What made it complex?
b. Why was it difficult to communicate?
c. How did you solve this problem?



   융통성과 적응력


If you had an altercation with your boss and were told that you were being "rigid and inflexible" in your view, what would you do?



   협 상 력


If I told you I was only going to give you a 5 percent pay raise, but you believed(based on current standards) you deserved 10 percent, what tactics would you use to convince me?



   설 득 력


Assume I have told you that I have interviewed three excellent candidates for this position, and you are one of them. Convince me why you the "best" candidate.



Give me an example where you failed to persuade someone to do something you felt would be good for business results.
a. What was the issue?
b. How did you attempt to persuade them?
c. Why did your effort fail?





If you were the employer, Knowing what you know about your overall qualifications for this position, what would be your greatest concern? Why?



With what aspect of this position are you most comfortable?



How do you feel about working overtime?





What are you salary expections?



How much salary do you want us to pay you?



How much do you need?



What starting salary would you expect?



What salary are you looking for?



How much do you expect to be paid?



What was your last salary? What is your minimum salary requirement at this time? 



   기  타


Have you applied for work with any other company?



If you are accepted at both places, which company will you choose?





I've enjoyed talking with you. sir.



It's been very nice to talk with you.



Do you have any question?



Thank you for your time. Would you be able to start working right away?


       ◆ 기타 질문하는 사항

      우리 학원에 대해 어떻게 아셨습니까?
      How did you know about our institute?

      자기 소개를 한 번 해보시죠.
      Tell me about yourself, please.

      전에는 어떤 일들을 하셨습니까?
      What kind of job experience do you have?

      이 직업의 어떤 점이 마음에 드십니까?
      What do you like about this job?

      왜 직업을 바꾸기로 결정하셨습니까?
      What made you decide to change jobs?

      어느 정도의 급여를 기대하고 계십니까?
      How much are you expecting to get paid?

      얼마나 오래 저희와 함께 근무할 생각이세요?
      How long are you planning to stay with us?

      집에서 이곳까지 오는데 얼마나 걸리나요?
      How long does it take to get here from your home?

      가족관계는 어떻게 되시나요?
      Could you tell me about your family background?

      여럿이서 일하는 것과 혼자 일하는 것 중 어느 편이 더 좋으세요?
      Which do you prefer working with people or alone?

      초임을 얼마나 예상하고 계시나요?
      What starting salary would you expect?

      이곳에 응시하기 전에 이 학원 내에 알고 있는 분이 있으셨나요?
      Did you know anybody in this institute before applying here?

      우리는 경험있는 사람을 원합니다.
      We need a man who knows the ropes.

      직업관에 대해 말씀해 보세요.
      Tell me what you think a job is, please.

      우리 학원은 전망이 매우 밝지요.
      Our institute provides you with a very good future.

      퍼스널 컴퓨터를 다룰 줄 아세요?
      Can you operate a personal computer?

      당신의 인생의 좌우명을 말씀해  주실까요?
      What basic principle do you apply to your life?

      장래 포부에 대해 말씀해 주세요.
      What kind of things do you want from your future?

      직장에서 해고 당한 적이 있으세요?
      Have you ever been fired from a job?

      직장동료와 일하는데 있어 어려움은 없었나요?
      Have you ever had a problem working with your co-workers?

      임시직이라도 괜찮겠어요?
      Would you be interested in a temporary position?

      우리 회사의 주요 제품과 시장 점유율에 대해 알고 있는 것을
      말해 주세요.
      What do you know about our major products
      and our share of the market?

      회사에 대해 바라는 것이 있으면 말씀해 주세요.
      Do you have any particular conditions that you would like
      the company to take into consideration?

      어떻게 연락을 드리면 됩니까?
      How can we get in touch with you?
      건강상태는 어떻습니까?
      How is your physical condition?

      우리 학원에 대해 아는 내용이 있으면 말해 주세요.
      Tell me what you know about our institute.

      대학생활에 대해 얘기 좀 해주세요.
      Tell me something about your experiences in college.

      What do you consider to be your strong points?

      What do you consider to be your weak points?

      What motivates you?

      What is your definition of success?

출처 : 필리핀 연계연수 정보센타
글쓴이 : Phil 박사 원글보기
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