1. Make a bed. 잠자리 정리해라.
2. Do some exercises! 운동 좀 해라!
3. Remember to wash the back of your neck.
목덜미 씻는 것 잊지마
4. Your 내찬 don't match. 양말을 짝짝이로 신었어.
5. Eggs are good for you. 달걀이 얼마나 몸에 좋은데.
6. Milk makes your bones strong. 우유는 뼈를 튼튼하게 해.
7. never open an umbrella in the house. 집 안에서 우산 펴지마.
8. Listen to your teacher well.
9. Watch out for cars. 차 조심해라.
10. You should finish your lunch on your own.
밥도 혼자 다 먹고 와야해.
11. Take this medicine after lunch. 점심 먹고 약 꼭 먹어.
12. Play nicely with your friends. 친구랑 사이좋게 놀아.
13. Don't get into any trouble.
14. Wash your hands before eating. 먹기전에 손 씻어라.
15. No television until you finish your homework.
숙제할때까지 텔레비전 보면 안돼
16. Stop watching TV. Do it right now.
텔레비전 그만 봐.
17. Move back a bit! Your eyes will go bad. 뒤로 조금만 물러나! 눈 나바져.
18. Stop jumping around. 그렇게 뛰어 다니지 좀 마.
19. Stop wihining/Stop all this racket. 징징대지마/떼쓰지마.
20. It's getting cold outside. You'll catch a cold. 추워졌어. 감기 걸리겠다.
21. Brush off the dust. 먼지 털자.
22. Please keep the noise down a bit. 조금만 조용히 해 주렴
23 Don't talk with your mouth full. 음식을 입에 넣고 말하지 마라.
24. Eat a little bit at a time. 한번에 조금씩 먹어
25. Don't play with the food. 음식가지고 장난치지 마라.
26. Don't run with the chopsticks. 젓가락 들고 뛰어다니지 마라.
27. Don't be pick. 편식하지 마라.
28. Chew your food well. 음식은 꼭꼭 씹어 먹어라.
29. Don't talk back! 말대꾸 하지마!
30. Put things back. 물건들 제자리에 갖다놔.
31. Listen to me. 엄마 말 좀 들어라.
32. Don't make noise.
33. Don't bother me. 날 귀찮게 좀 하지 마라.
34. Don't be mean. 심술좀 부리지 마라.
35. Can you play with toys by yourself?
36. Don't forget your umbrella.
37. If the weather clears up, we can go out later. 날씨가 좋아지면 나가자.
38. You can't be noisy in the bus. 버스 안에서는 조용히 해야해.
39. Do you want to help Mommy clean it up? 청소하는것 좀 도와줄래?
40. You have to pick up all these toys. 이장난감 전부 치워라.
41. Minki, I want to have a word with you.
42. Are you sure you've finished your homework?
정말로 숙제 모두 마쳤니?
43. You can have a cookie after you finish your meal.
밥 다 먹고 과자 먹어.
44. I'm too busy to play. Why don't you go find Daddy?
엄마가 바빠. 아빠한테 가봐.
45. I'm serious. 농담 아니야.
46. who did that? 누가 그랬어?
47. I think you should be a bit more careful, OK?
다음부터는 조심해라. 알았지?
48. You're not allowed to play ball in the house.
집안에서 공놀이 하면 안돼.
49. How about coming inside for a snack?
이제 들어가서 간식 먹을까?
50. That candy was on the floor. It's not going in your mouth.
바닥에 떨어진 사탕은 입에 넣으면 안돼.
'그 리 고....♡ > 언 어 와 문 장' 카테고리의 다른 글
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